The latest on the activities and achievements of the VE Group


Rob Leussink - Vermeer ThermEx International

The Heat is on.. The VE Group is proud to announce that Rob Leussink has been appointed the new Managing Director of Vermeer Thermex International, part of the VE Group in Rotterda...

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Two bundles delivered to Norway

Tubes: P235GH EN10216‐2; 19,05*2,11 (MW) Tubesheets: SA‐765 Gr.II Baffles: P265GH EN10028‐2...

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Our Offices are closed from 22/12/23 until 02/01/24. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to everyone...

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Under the patronage of H.R.H. Prince Saud Bin Nayef Bin Abdulaziz, the Governor of the Eastern Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Middle East International Conference &am...

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Oil Industries Club - XMAS

The Oil Industries Club was established in 1925 in London. The OIC organizes her yearly XMAS lunch in the Grand Verde Connaught Rooms in the center of London. The VE Group, as only...

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KAFO CNC drilling machine at work

The VE GROUP is proud to introduce to you our newest member in the family. After 4 weeks of assembly, programming and commissioning the KAFO BMC CNC 3122 drilling machine is up and...

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"The Beast" is ready to rumble

After 3 weeks of hard work by our contractor, they have now full assembled and commissioned the KAFO CNC Drilling BMC 3122 machine. Adding this new CNC drill to our state of the ar...

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Heli Tower® ready for shipment

A word from our Projects team lead; Pieter de Gelder. “Job done 👌! A 22 meter long vertical Heli tower heat exchanger ready for shipment to our client. Total weight of this u...

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Commissioning KAFO in process

A short update and introduction to our new “beast” ! The KAFO BMC CNC drilling machine. Two weeks of hard work by our contractor and today the machine came alive and mo...

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Company outing Vermeer India

Our valued and respected engineering team at Vermeer India had their yearly staff outing. With some nice activities as a team, good food & drinks the team strengthened their mu...

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Vermeer's Urban Jungle Project

We are situated in the Rotterdam harbor. Looking outside our windows we see containers, the ground is covered with concrete and stone tiles. Green brings happiness in your head. It...

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Preparations for the KAFO BMC 3211

In our machining department located in production facility one we are laying the concrete foundation for the new CNC DRILLING KAFO BMC 3211 machine which will be commissioned in th...

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