Last year we received our first order from a new large UK end client. We are proud to say that the final inspection report stated that everything was on time and we did a flawless job.

The VE Group and GPEC Global Piping & Engineering Consultants as her representative are valued partners in the UK, bringing excellent quality process equipment across the channel from Rotterdam. We work under UK CA code, have a fully automated production facility, ensuring high end quality at a competitive price level. From refinery to chemical and from pharma to food, we have a wide range of UK clients that have found their way to Vermeer Eemhaven International.

Do you know that our shop is fully equipped for TA work? With our own CNC operated machine shop, stocked tubes and tubesheets in various materials and welding robots we repair and retube bundles from UK clients in Rotterdam on a regular bases.

Easy does it !! On a truck, on a ferry and within the hour delivered from the port to our shop.

Want to know more about our heat exchanger maintenance expertise. Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll present you our added value during your turnaround.

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